Pray this prayer every day
God our Father, we love and adore You. Although humanity abandoned you through Original Sin in the garden and countless personal sins, you have never abandoned us. We praise you for making us into your beloved sons and daughters. Grant us always to live as your children, seeking your will in all things.
Jesus, Son of God, in this Great Novena leading to the 2,000th anniversary of Your death, resurrection, and ascension into heaven, we trust in Your merciful, personal love. Help us to keep the Great Commission, making a gift of ourselves through great faith, great hope, and great love.
Come, Holy Spirit, renew the face of the earth. As we celebrate the 2,000th anniversary of your descent at Pentecost, give us the gift of communion in the Church, starting with our beloved Diocese of Lafayette, so the world may come to know Jesus, sent by the Father. Make each of us into true disciples of Christ, full of apostolic courage and holy zeal.
Most Holy Trinity and Divine Unity, as we approach the 2,000th anniversary of our salvation, grant through our works, prayers, penances, and studies that your grace may be poured out upon the world in renewed and ever-greater abundance. Through Christ our Lord. Amen.
Each of the nine years will focus on a central theme. Each month of that year, we will publish a reflection on that theme, written by one of our team members.
We ask that you read these reflections, pray with them, and pay attention to the insights the Lord places in your hearts. Then, consider how to apply those insights in your daily life.
Share the reflections with others and consider hosting discussion groups each month.
Under the Resources section, you'll find a list of useful materials for spiritual growth as well as a list of speakers we suggest for talks, retreats, and parish missions connected to the themes of The Great Novena. If you are able to organize those kinds of events, please consider reaching out to these speakers to schedule something. As those kinds of events are scheduled, we'll post them here so that you can attend those closest to you.
3-day modified fast prior to each feast:
February 2: The Presentation of the Lord
Holy Week: The Sacred Paschal Triduum
50 Days after Easter: Pentecost Sunday
September 14: The Exaltation of the Holy Cross
Every year on the major feasts of our salvation, attend Mass at your parish and offer that as part of this novena. In addition to the usual Sundays and Holy Days of Obligation, we're placing special emphasis on 4 days throughout the year: The Feast of the Presentation of the Lord, The Paschal Triduum (Holy Thursday, Good Friday, Easter Vigil), Pentecost Sunday, and the Feast of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross.
In the three days leading up to those celebrations, we ask that you observe a fast according to your ability and state in life. Be it food, alcohol, sweets, some aspect of technology or entertainment, please choose something to sacrifice that is both doable and at least a little difficult. It doesn't have to be the same for all three days. (N.B. For the Paschal Triduum, the fast is a little different)
Then on the feast day itself, attend Mass. If possible make plans to host or attend a feast in your home, a friend's home, or at the parish to share the joy of that day.